The Icebreakers participated in the South Burnaby Metro Club Invitational Soccer Tournament. The following photos are from the Sunday games.
Coach Craig's strategy session and pep talk started the day off.
I still need practice photographing sports action. Here, the ball is just out of view.
After the Icebreakers won the first game of the day we sat and ate pizza while Jessica played at the playground.
Who is that big kid? She sure keeps Jessica amused.
Ellen was 4 for 6 on her playground snapshots. Here are the 4.
Kelly made several spectacular saves in the second game. One of the best games she has ever played.
The exciting action kept Coach Bill on the edge of his seat.
I missed the second defender and I missed the ball. But it was still one of the highlights of the game for me. Courtney exhibited speed and determination to split the defense.
However, the opposing goalkeeper was determined not to be beaten. With the win, they became group champions.
The medal presentation followed the final game.