Zachary's Green Team refuels at the refreshment station.
Rebecca puts her flapjack handling skills to the test.
In the Bucket Brigade Race the Green Team finished first, but ended up with the least amount of water in the bucket at the end. Because points were awarded for speed and water level in the bucket, this race ended in a four way tie.
In the Fly Swatter Race, you had to maneuver the fly into the ring and stomp on him.
Cooperation was required to move your partner across the field in the Hula Hoop Race.
You get three tries at a ringer in the horseshoe toss.
The Blue Team discusses strategy.
There were some fast horses in the barrel race.
The scores were tallied at the end of the morning and the Blue Team won with 363 points. There was a three way tie at 349 points for second place. And, in case you hadn't noticed, there was a cowboy theme this year.
The afternoon activities included tug-of-wars.
The Green Team came out on top of their class.
Rebecca's Blue Team was confident after winning the morning competitions.
But even with Mrs. Henriksen's encouragement, having one less person than the other teams proved to be too much of a deficit.
We don't have any pictures, but it turns out that moms are stronger than dads and Grade Fives are stronger than teachers.