The Beaverlodge Golf Tournament was in Mannville, Alberta this year and instead of camping this year, we decided to stay in motels and hotels. On the way there we stayed in Keremeos, Creston, Fernie, Fort Macleod, Drumheller, and Edmonton.
Have you been to Greenwood? It used to be one of the largest cities in BC.
We spent an afternoon at Fort Steele where we rode the train and Jim received an ice cream cone coupon for his performance at the theatre. Jessica got the ice cream.
In Fort Macleod we took a tour of the haunted Empress Theatre and watched the Northwest Mounted Police musical ride at the Fort Museum.
We saw dinosaurs and badlands in Drumheller. Sometimes both at once.
We didn't go to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, but we did take a detour to Dry Island Buffalo Jump.
The Mannville Riverview Golf Course is challenging, to say the least. Thank you to Van and Kathy for hosting this year and letting us stay in their dungeon for 3 nights.
After the tournament we hurried home, staying in Cochrane and Grandma and Grandpa's house in Anglemont. Thank you to Donna for checking who was there before calling the police.